Tasty Mystery Baskets of Clips
Let Me Outta Here! Quiet!
\ That's enough! I don't care!
[music stops]
My, my. Just as I thought.
A conscience is that still, small voice that people won't listen to.
- Like this? [blows air] - No, son.
I shouldn't have walked out on you.
O O O O O O O O O O O O Cuphead how dare you join the wall that’s it you’re grounded grounded grounded for a week go to your room
Oh, sure! Yes.
Look... pretty!
I'll forgive you this once. But only this once.
O O O O O O O O O O O O Cuphead how dare you call me an idiot! That does it! You’re grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded for over 9176273892982233829 years! Go to your room right now!
I am I am Real I am A real boy
Say what ! ?
[chuckles] Very well. What is your name?
O O O O O O O O O O O! Cup head, how dare you eat all the pizza! That does it! You are grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded for a month! Go to your room now!
♪ Ta dum diddle dee dum Ti dee um dee dum
[Trembling, Sobbing]
Bitch please Bitch please
Nothing like that.
Psst. Leave me outta this.
Pardon me. Wait'II I fix this thing.
Oeoeoeoeoeeoeooeeooeoeoeeoeoeooeoeooeoeoeoeoeoeooeeoeoeoeooeo Oeoeoeoeoeeoeooeeooeoeoeeoeoeooeoeooeoeoeoeoeoeooeeoeoeoeooeo
What are monkeys favorite cookies? Chocolate chimp cookies.
Now I have just the name for you.
Ah, splendid! Well, well. Quite a scholar, I see. Look, Giddy, a man of letters!
Quiet! Shut Up!
Ah... Ah... Ah-choo!
Your face, she will be on everybody's tongue.
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O! Cup head, how dare you go to the Casino after I told you not to! That is it! You are grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded until I say so! Go to your room right now!
Pinoke? Oh, Pinoke?
A real...
You’ve had your fun Now pay for it
Mind if I cut in?
- You must be seeing things. - Oh, no, that's my conscience.
They never come back... as boys!
Homeward bound I wish I wasn't homeward bound I’d rather be alone right now On my own right now My mom and dad are different to me I don’t wanna be the same They hardly ever listen to me And it’s driving me insane Homeward bound I wish I wasn't homeward bound I’d rather be alone right now On my own right now
1 oh 2 7 the peak! a station that plays bad music! Shut up You’re getting it all wrong! we do not play bad music! Fine then! i guess i will play super loud music heavy metal burning eardrums music that blasts like wacko crazy like carnival ride music Super Mario Bros so the kids will love it!
♪ Give a little whistle [whistle]
[chuckle] Oh, that's nothing. I got a tail too!
I'm...I'm ready! I'm a ready line!
Me too! Ever been to pleasure island? Let's go!!!
Whoops! Hey! Woah!
1 O 2 7 The Peak! 900 99 dollars to win cash! Wow wee! Boom! Crash! Kaka pow! Whoa! Yeah baby! Yodeladeeyodaladeehoo! Stop acting like A cuphead spongebob or looney tunes character! You are driving me crazy! Oh my god i can’t take this anymore! I am gonna shut down the station if you dont shaddup!
- Uh-huh. - No, no, no, no!
- You'd better! - I will. I'm going to school.
Hmm! No more privacy than a goldfish.
Food! We'll eat! Here's a big one.
♪ Tra-la-la For my little boy
silent Shut Up!
1 O 2 7 The Peak Bang crash Ow wee Oops Hahaha Boing boing boing jiggle jiggle jiggle wow hahahahaha hee hee hee La la la la pow whoa oh no mama please help me Imma dying You idiot shut up No no no wow whacko whacko whacko wee whoops
What did dollar bill name his daughter? Penny.
Oeoeoeo, oeoeoeo, oeoeoeo, oeoeoeo, oeoeo, oeoeo, oeoeoeoeoeeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoetititititititittititititi Ststsstststststststsstststststsstststsstststsstststsstoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeeo
Quick! We'll head him off.
[Honest John] And he still thinks we're his friends!
My poor little Pinocchio.
This calls for a celebration!
Looks pretty hopeless.
- Perhaps? - Oh, but I have! Every single word!
Oh, is that so? Now, don't you worry, son.
Hurry up before they see us.
Save... yourself.
- Ohh, where's the bucket? Help! Water! - [screeches]
Pinoke, come here.
until it's as plain as the nose on your face.
- Bottom of the sea? - Uh-huh.
Where'd all the donkeys come from?
Yes! That happy land of carefree boys
A slight touch of monetary complications
They never come back... as (Evil grin face) BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh! Hello.
Pinoke, are you crazy?
Its perfict mister srombolie i coud make nuns in the world Thw
The Feelings Bag of Naughty
If your changed your mind Take a chance take a chance take a chance chance chance
The rough house, the rough house.
la animación rancia le da el toque
(Muttering in Italian)
$Hobbes I'm a real cat
De hecho, estoy enamorado de uno de los doctores
/ That's enough! Please!
Oh, Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket.
It's the roughest, toughestjoint ya ever seen. Lemme At It
1 O 2 7 The Peak! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha crash! Boom! Pow! Wham! Owee! Hee hee hee! Oh my! Meow! Stop acting like a idiot you remind me of a character straight out of Looney Tunes, Spongebob or Cuphead game you are stupid!
And cute little music boxes, each one a work of art.
Come back here, Figaro.
♪ She brings to those who love
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O! Cuphead! You are grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded for over 916392091833992847492901917474291024848 years! Go to your room right now!
Oh, well,
Hi Cleo's belly
Good night.
[Jiminy] Pinocchio!
Oh, wake me up! Wake me up!
i am smoking vaginaes and pensies i have lung disease and i am going to die aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Don't you, Figaro? - [purring]
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Pinocchio! Hey, come back.
Pleasure Island? But the law, suppose they...
♪ Will come to you